Friday, March 18, 2011

Sales pitch

In selling technique, a sales pitch is a line of talk that attempts to persuade someone or something, with a planned sales presentation strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the product or service

A sales pitch is a planned presentation of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the same product or service. A sales pitch is essentially designed to be either an introduction of a product or service to an audience who knows nothing about it, or a descriptive expansion of a product or service that an audience has already expressed interest in. Sales professionals prepare and give a sales pitch, which can be either formal or informal, and might be delivered in any number of ways.

The Perfect Sales Pitch

Whether you’re making a pitch to try to win a new project, to make a sale to a potential customer, or for investment, there are some tried and trusted tips to help you pull off the perfect pitch.

  1. 1. Have an Outline

You may know everything there is to know about your product or business but this information has to be organised when making a pitch. Therefore an outline of your pitch is vital. Always follow the following tried and trusted approach:

  • · Tell your audience what you are going to tell them
  • · Tell them
  • · Tell them what you told them

  1. 2. Dress to impress

This almost goes without saying but many people still dress far too casually when making a pitch. The first thing that your audience will notice are your clothes – with first impressions so important make sure your clothes are portraying the right image.

  1. 3. Be enthusiastic

Enthusiasm can be infectious – show that you have a passion about your product or business.

  1. 4. Create a ‘hook’

As Mill Valley speaking coach Dan Sapp says – “Hook your audience. A memorable slogan, concept, or pledge gives your audience a reason to listen to the rest of your talk.”

  1. 5. Don’t read from your slides

This is a common mistake. Many people put far too much information on slides and nervousness results in them simply reading them out. Keep the words on your slides to an absolute minimum to prevent this temptation. It’ll also give the audience more of an incentive to listen.

  1. 6. Don’t talk too fast

When people get nervous they usually talk too fast. Remember that during a pitch the audience is hearing it for the first time. Speak too fast and they’ll be left behind.

  1. 7. Remember to take pauses

Silent pauses are seen as something to avoid at all costs. However, during a pitch they are essential to allow the audience time to think about exactly what you’ve just said.

  1. 8. Watch your body language

Remember the advice from speaking coach Dan Sapp – “Keep your weight balanced on both feet; it conveys strength for both men and women. Think of the metaphor of people who have both feet on the ground.”

  1. 9. Make eye contact

Experienced speakers always speak about the need to make eye contact with your audience. This doesn’t mean staring at the same person throughout the pitch but try to make eye contact with a different person for each part of your pitch. It’ll help to convey yourself as being confident, trustworthy and honest.

  1. 10. Be honest

You see it all the time with people trying to bend the truth and bluff their way through questions put to them after a pitch. If you don’t know an answer be honest and say that you don’t. Similarly, don’t paint a rosy picture if there are in fact many obstacles in the way. As long as you believe in your product or business and you’re capable the audience will see through these problems.

  • How to Master the Art of Selling
  • How to Write Effective Sales Letters
  • The Perfect Sales Pitch
  • How to Close Sales
  • The Importance of Sales Target
  • Where to Find Sales Staff
  • What Characteristics to Look for when Recruiting Sales Staff

For a sales pitch to be effective, the presenter must know their product well. Though a good sales pitch will leave few questions unanswered, the presenter must be able to answer any questions that arise as a result of piqued interest. Even if a sales pitch is delivered effectively, the presenter must be prepared to overcome any obstacles that might prevent the close of the sale.



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