Friday, April 1, 2011

My experence in an Ad Agency

It is extremely exciting to know about advertisement and have insights on what message should be,how it should be communicated but ad agencies do a lot more these days. The most important concept that sir touched upon is "Eye balls". Concept of Eyeball is more important when we have to compare between different modes of communication.I mean it is very easy to compare effectiveness of a Tv Ad to another Tv Ad but how can you compare Tv Ad with mobile ad with bill board or print ad. With a brief exposure of 20 days in an ad firm i know how things work. A company will come to an Ad agency with all figures calculated in terms of eyeball or exposure. They might know from past experience that i need 10000 exposures or eyes balls to convert it into 1000 sales unit{hypothetical figures}. They come to an Ad agency tell them this is my product,my segment, my positioning and mu budget give me 10000 exposures. Now Ad agency will have to choose whatever medium they feel will give required number of eyeball in the specific budget.

An example a Tv ad will give 5000 exposure/eyeballs but will cost 12 lakh Rs i have only 18 lakhs i cant have two Tv Ads so most probably i will have to do something else with remaining 6 lakhs. Either go for mobile,Bill boards prints Ads,events,Placement but in Remaining 6 lakhs get 5000 more Eyeballs.

The creative team will then decide on the concept finalize two three concepts maximum 5 then the greatest chalenge of Client Servicing Person is to go and convince the company so that they accept one idea atleast.If not then more time and resources will go for creative team and thus cut down on profits{No of attempts they take is not paid for they are paid for final output}.Thus again concept of becho becho becho in Client Servicing too.

Ad agency these days aspire to become Marketing Arms of company. They do branding, Market research,even suggest positioning.So Ad agencies take a very holistic approach and are very exciing to work with being a marketer.

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